Thursday, October 27, 2011

I got my Scouty back!!

I can't believe I didn't write this sooner...but I got my baby back Saturday afternoon. I am so happy. I love her!
She went missing Tuesday evening. My neighbor, who I share property with, left the gate opened. Grr. Every day I searched for her in the woods and in my car. I was sad. I had some hope b/c I live off of a busy street and if someone ran over her, they most likely wouldn't move the body. I didn't see a body, thank goodness. Saturday, I put flyers up on my car. An off duty cop followed me to Walgreens and told me he knew where she was. Two days prior, he got a call on her. A black man was doing something on his "baby mama's" property that has an old, falling apart, abandoned mobile home on it. It's .3 miles from my house by a cemetery and volunteer fire station. My dog was in the trailer with this guy and wouldn't budge when the cop came. He said they didn't know if she was vicious or not so they were either gonna have to shoot her to get her to leave (HOW DARE THEM!) or call the dog catcher. Well, the dang dog catcher was out of town. Thankfully, the cop didn't want to shoot her, so he left her there.
The off duty cop called my cop neighbor who was going to meet me and assist me at the abandoned trailer. I couldn't wait. I drove straight there. Parked my car. Called her name through the woods. About 30 seconds later she came running around the side of the trailer. MY BABY!!! I ran over to her, lifted up the barbed wire fencing and she came out.
I have never experienced such uncontrollable joy! I was unsure if she was going to be there, so when I saw her, I couldn't stop smiling and I was so excited. I could not believe it!
She had a deep wound on her rear/back that I'm doctoring. The vet was an idiot, so if it's not better soon I'm taking her to a new doctor.

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